Sunday, January 16, 2011

All about.....EVAN!

So, the past few posts have been all about the "big" here is one entirely about our little bubba, Evan:)

Evan is almost 16 months old already...amazing where that time goes...but anyway, he is quite the little monkey and is always in the mood for an adventure, much to my dismay!! He LOVES to climb on anything and everything, tables, couches, toyboxes, whatever, you name it, he will attempt it! and he has remarkable balance...until I take him down from the situation he has gotten himself into:)

He is a good natured boy, LOVES his big brothers and sister and they LOVE him too...he has his own ideas about things though and isn't afraid to express those ideas to his siblings, when they tend to be bossing him around! He has a little bit of stubborness in him, I do believe:) HA!

He is an excellent eater, obviously, loves to get into his chair, and he will really eat anything! He LOVES chili (random I know, but he does and it is hilarious to watch him eat it), any kind of fruit, and he has a love for OREOS (but who doesn't really!)

Evan is such a smart little guy too! He knows almost all of his body parts and can point to them on command (of course when he's in the mood, that stubborness thing again!) He loves to play with trucks and tractors and all things BOY, and he is not about to let anyone take something from him...he can hold his own:)

So here are some cute pics of our little bubba, we love him to pieces!!

Yes, he loves to pull out all of my spoons and kitchen stuff out of my drawers...entertaining I guess!


Grandma Jane said...

Evan, you little squirt you! He reminds me of one of his uncles and one of his aunts who loved to climb!

Hugs and Kisses to all,
Grandma and Grandpa S.

Grandpa and Grandma said...

He is a cutie!!! Hope all that climbing doesn't get him into too much trouble!!! Give Evan and all the monkey's XXOO. G&G

Lisa said...

love the picture of him standing on the oven drawer to get to what he wanted!