Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We've got a Whopper!!

Our little pumpkin, Evan was 4 months old yesterday:) He had to go to the doctor for his checkup and shots:(

He looks excellent, a fat little thing!! He is already up to 18 pounds:) What a chunk...but an awful cute one I think, but I could be biased!!!

He is not rolling yet, he wants to and gets over to his side, but can't quite push himself over...he'll get it though, just give him some time!! He loves to be in the jumper, and he also is enjoying the exercauser now that I got it out and cleaned up for him! Such a happy boy, he loves when his brothers and sister talk to him, he laughs and giggles like they are the most hilarious people he knows! Too cute:)

Shots didn't go so well for him this time, he was pretty crabby and didn't sleep well last night, so I am hoping to get back on our routine tonight!! He is such a good baby:)


Jodi Lansink said...

HAHA! He is a chunker---a cute one! He'll roll when he is ready---but I am sure he is having fun jumping!

Lisa said...

Glad his checkup was okay. PS - love the updated photos on the side!

Grandma Jane said...

He is such a sweet little guy!

Hugs and Kisses from us.
G&G Schrunk