Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birthday Boys

Today is Ayden & Elliott's 4th Birthday:) wow, how time flies!! It doesn't seem like four years have gone by since they were born, it is all a blur, but a very blissful happy blur!!

They also had some checkups at the doctor the other day...Ayden is 41 pounds and Elliott is 39, and Ayden is one inch taller than Elliott!! They both look like healthy active boys who love life and love to have fun!! We are so blessed to have them in our lives and grateful for them each and everyday...I am amazed by them each and every day, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

In many ways, twins is getting much easier, but in the same respect it is also getting HARDER!! oh the joys we have to come, we will just take each day one at a time and LOVE them every day, no matter what!!

So today before school, I got them to pose for some pics!

We LOVE you boys!! Happy 4th Birthday!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Happy Brithday Ayden and Elliott! They look cute in their new outfits from Grandma and Grandpa! What was their present from you guys?!

Grandma Jane said...

Hope the boys had a good day. I couldn't get them to say much on the phone - too busy watching Scooby Doo!

Give all of them hugs and kisses from us. We miss all of you!

G&G Schrunk