Sunday, March 22, 2009

The new room!

So we have decided it is time to finish the "extra" room that is off of our living room, and make it a bedroom for Ayden & Elliott...well, not just a bedroom, but a Lightning Mcqueen bedroom...of course decor will come later, right now, it is just getting the room finsihed!!! Grandma Jane and Grandpa George came this weekend to help Chris get the room off to a very good start....we had to raise the floor to get it level with the living room, and next will be taking out the ceiling to give it some more height...they will also drywall the walls and put in a new floor, so even though it is still a ways from being done, I thought I would tell you all about the process now!!! The boys are SOOOOOO excited, and they kept saying all weekend, daddy and grandpa are working on my new bedroom!!! should be lots of, I will just keep my eye out for some Lightning Mcqueen deals and we will be good to go:)

While Daddy and Grandpa were busy working on the room...Grandma and I got to play with the kids...we hung out, had lunch at MCdonald's, got to play OUTSIDE because it was WONDERFUL out:), and had a very fun time!!!

It was a very productive weekend around the Schrunk house:)

Also in the pics is one of Ms. Jo Jo, who found a box of shoes that wonderful Aunt Kathy has sent that her girls used to wear, in it is some PINK cowgirl boots...they are too big, but of course, Ms. Independent wouldn't take no for an answer and had to strut her stuff in those boots!!! it is too funny!:)


Anonymous said...

The room looks great. I bet they are very excited. Oh cute. Hugs and kisses for them all. Grandpa and Grandma....We have a lot more baby cows boys!

Jodi Lansink said...

Can't wait to see the finished "Lightning McQeen" Room!!! I am sure the boys are excited, and will be nice for you to have the extra space!! Keep us posted!