Monday, September 29, 2008

Go Broncos!

This weekend was a big one for us around here!!! Chris and I decided to take advantage of the Broncos being so close to us, so we called my Aunt & Uncle, Julie and Steve and went to Kansas City for the game....we had GREAT weather, FABULOUS seats & AWESOME company, but unfortuanatly the otucome ended with the Chiefs beating the Broncos...although they lost, we still had a WONDERFUL time and look forward to going back, if not for a game, at least to visit Julie, Steve & Nick was such a short trip, we left Saturday after Chris got off of work, and then left right after the game got over yesterday to get back and get our kids!!!!

THE KIDS>>> got to have some fun with grandpa and grandma Lansink....they got to ride the tractor, the 4-wheeler, and play outside a lot....they had soooo much fun, but of course they always do when they go to visit G & G!!! They also got to go into Uncle Adam & Aunt Jodi's to play with cousins Ellie & Malia...Jodi took a ton of pics with her new camera...and she did a great job!!! Check out the kids playing at

Thanks to G & G for taking wonderful care of the kids and having so much fun with them:) We love you...

So check out the pics of the kids on Adam & Jodi's blog, and here are our pics of the fun time at the Broncos game!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well, it was a pretty relaxing weekend around the Schrunk house...Grandpa George & Grandma Jane came to play on Friday and then went camping with friends on Saturday, so the kids got to have some fun play time with them...The rest of Saturday we didn't do anything!!!! just a whole lot of nothing...then today, we just goofed around and watched TV, played outside, and enjoyed the weather being so beautiful:)

In the pics, Ashley has decided that the lawn mower is HERS...."mine" she says to Ayden!!! So of course she is becoming very independent and definitly has a mind of her own~~

Ayden...well, is just goofy...we went for a wagon ride today, and there was a truck hauling some big round hay bales...of course the boys spotted that, and Ayden had to point out that Grandpa's cows eat hay...and then that horses eat hay...and then he said that he wanted to eat HAY!!!!!!!! I told him I would call Grandpa and tell him to bring up some hay and I wouldn't need to buy any more groceries!!! of course, he smiled and said NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! to that:) what a stinker:)

Elliott was telling us tonight at supper who is boys and who is girls...Ayden is a boy, Elliott is a boy, daddy is a boy, mommy is a girl, Ashley is a then I asked, well what is Liberty????? Liberty is RED!!!!!!!!!! duh, mom!!!!!!!!! well, he didn't say the duh mom part but that was pretty much implied~~~

Hope everyone has a good week...More later:)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nothing much new...

Nothing really new to report on the home front...just some cute pics of the kids:) Ashley has been really into playing with her dolls this week, she gets the bottle and sits there and feeds the is TOO CUTE:) what a good little mommy!!! and the boys...well...ya know, busy as ever:) they are doing exceptional with the potty thing!!! we are very proud of them:) also they have been big into we are singing the abc's and twinkle twinkle and all the regulars like a hundred times a day...lots of fun:)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Omaha Zoo & The Hudson's

Today we decided to venture down to Omaha to visit the Henry Doorley Zoo...It was a chilly day, but it really wasn't was great because the zoo was not crowded at ALL!!! Which was really great for the kids, we got to see a lot of great things and they really enjoyed themselves...they especially loved the aquarium with all the fish, penguins and SHARKS:) it was a great time...

After a picnic lunch at the zoo, we headed over to visit our friends Tom and Randi and their baby Logan...well, Baby Logan is turning 1 on Sept. 11th so we took him his birthday present and spent some time visiting with them while the kids is always great to see Tom and Randi...seems like now that we have kids that you never get to spend time with the friends that you once did, so it was really awesome that we got to hang out and catch up with them while all the kids was a great day!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Well, September is here and boy was it chilly today...I didn't realize the weather would turn so quickly and hadn't even dug out our fall things yet...Thankfully we didn't have much to do today, so I could get that done...the boys and Ashley were of course oh so helpful in getting things spread out all over the house!!! LOVELY:) anway....I have an idea of where we stand now for fall and winter clothing and we will not be getting cold here at the Schrunk house...

Also we got a package yesterday from Uncle Brandon:) It had presents in it for the boys and for Ashley since he was unable to make it to Ashley's birthday party...we got a Tickle me Cookie Monster, a stuffed Pooh, new books, baseball gloves & balls & a cute outfit for Ash!!! Thanks a million Uncle should hear them giggle at that Cookie Monster...PRICELESS!!! We love and miss you and hope to see you soon:)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend...


Not much to report around here, just goofed around this weekend...

Last Thursday night, we took the kids to Dairy Queen for a treat after supper because the boys have been doing really well with going potty and Ashley just cause she is cute:) Anyway...they all enjoyed the ice cream treats!!!

Chris worked this weekend on Saturday and Sunday and went in for a couple hours this morning, but then was home with us for the rest of the day!!! We went to lunch and goofed around and then came home for some naps, then we played outside and took and bath and well, now you can guess it is bed time!!!!!!!

SO as you can see, nothing too exciting around these neck of the woods, just some fun days playing and enjoying the last of our summer:( hopefully it won't turn too cold too quickly!!! I won't know what to do with all of my holigans stuck inside all winter with all that energy!!!!!!!

So here are some pics of the kids enjoying their Ice Cream...notice Ashley had to dig into MY blizzard....hmmm!!!!!!! and then just some of Ashley being cute in her pig tails that she left in a total of 5 minutes...oh that hair is driving me crazy!!! and then all of the goof balls being silly:)

So here they are to enjoy for now:) Hopefully I will get more pics this week and update you all on the the latest happenings...not that much happens, but ya know!!!