Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday mornings...

So it is Sunday morning, and of course my children do not realize that they are totally allowed to sleep in on Sundays, so of course we are up at the crack of dawn...but the boys really like to watch Mickey Mouse on Sunday mornings, so I snapped a few pics just a little bit ago of the boy's dancing to Mickey...

Also update on Jo-Jo, she is trying to push up onto her knees, she can do it, but is not quite strong enough to hold herself there for very long, but it is only a matter of time, also she is soooo big and has started to feed herself crackers...yummy:) she loves them!!!


Anonymous said...

Dancing to Mickey!!! How cute. Tell the kids we miss them lots and give them hugs and kisses. Love G&G

The Kruse's said...

I think kids know when its the weekend and they get up earlier than the weekdays. Since having Morgan I just assume we will never sleep in again :)

Jodi Lansink said...

Same at our house, they don't quite understand what it means to sleep in....they will one day though! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big they are getting! They are all so cute!