Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter 2008

OK...I know I am behind the times, but better late than never, right??? Well the reason I am so behind the times is because we had to cut our Easter celebration short because the kids were coming down with something...turns out Elliott got croup AGAIN!!! and Ayden and Ashley both have running noses and slight coughs...I swear it will never end, huh???? I just wish we could get past all of this cold weather stuff so we can start feeling better, and then I can open up the windows and air out this house!!!! we need some fresh clean air around here:) so I have been busy tending to sick children, and not just mine, but my daycare kids as well...Jamison & Samantha got Infulenza A, and Caleb has been coughing as well...KIDS!!! oh well...I think we are all on the mend are the pics from Easter, the boys did have a good time hunting eggs, even if they were a bit on the crabby side from not feeling good!!! Maybe next year it will be warmer and we can get outside and hunt!!!:)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Too bad we missed you this has been just sickness at our house too! YUCK!

The kids look cute as always!!!

See you soon!