Thursday, March 13, 2008

The last couple of days...

Have been very crazy around all started on Saturday when Chris woke up complaining of a headache and blurred he went to the doctor and they said it was a sinus infection...On Sunday, the vision continued to deteriorate and we went and spent a lovely evening in the ER, to which they said yes it is a sinus infection, and gave him some pain pills and told him to check in at our clinic on Monday if it wasn't better...Woke up on Monday, no better, so went to the doctor...he sent him to the eye doctor, who said that yes it could all be from the sinus infection, however he wanted to keep an eye on him...well Tuesday (my b-day) he woke up and was miserable and couldn't see any better, and was actually worse!!! so he called the eye doctor who sent him to the Jones Eye Clinic, who ran test and said that his left eye looked swollen and that he thought he was losing his vision and that he needed to make an appointment with a neurologist who specialized in eyes down in Iowa City at the University of Iowa Medical Center...they scheduled it for 8:30 Wednesday we took off on Tuesday night, and drove to Cedar Rapids and stayed with Chris' sister and brother-in-law (some birthday celebration for me, huh???)

The boy's got to stay and play with their cousins (they had tons of fun) and we left to get some answers!!! So long story short, he has Optineuritsis, which is basically a swelling of the optical nerve...they ran tests because this can be caused by high levels of spinal fluid or tumors, but everything came back clean, so they say that sometimes this just happens...his vision should return in about 4 to 6 weeks, as of right now it is just in his left eye, his right was okay, so hopefully this will get better soon!!!

I just wanted to keep you all up to date and let everyone know what is happening, hopefully now that we have an answer we can get him better as soon as possible!!!

On a lighter note, thank you to all of you for your birthday wishes!!! I appreciate it so much:) Love you all!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

WOW----we had no idea.....we are always the last to know...

but so glad everything is ok....a little scary huh?!?

Adam, Jodi, Ellie and Malia