Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today was Ayden and Elliott's first t-ball game:)

They did a great job and had lots and lots of fun!!

Here are some video of them in action!

Great job boys!! We are so proud of you!!

oh and here are the other 2 while the game was happening, apparently I just need to bring snacks to keep them occupied! ha:)


Grandpa and Grandma said...

The video is way too cute!!! Great job boys....can't wait to see you play. XXOO G&G........I'll bring snacks for the other two monkeys! LOL

Lisa said...

Looks like Ayden & Elliott have fun playing! They both did well.

Grandma Jane said...

What a good job they both did!! It is so great to see a video clip when we can't be there to watch in person!

Glad Evan and Ashley were so easily entertained!!!!

Love you!!
Grandma and Granpa