Saturday, May 28, 2011

No more training wheels!!

Ayden & Elliott have shown us another step in the growing up process! They have ditched their training wheels and are now riding around on only 2 wheels:) Dad took off the wheels on Thursday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and they did awesome that rained all day yesterday, so no practicing, but today was great, so we got out this morning and this video is of them today, like they were never on training wheels!!

We are so proud of you boys:) Way to go!!


Grandma Jane said...

Love the video of the boys on their bikes - minus the training wheels!! That is awesome! Also love the new pics of the kids. They sure are growing!

Hugs n Kisses!
Grandma & Grandpa S.

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Good job boys!!! It didn't take you long to catch on to 2 wheels! XXOO G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

Awesome!! Impressed with the turns too!! Way to go!!!