Sunday, August 22, 2010

We have a Ballerina!!

Ashley Jo is taking Ballet classes:) She is SOOOOOO excited!! She is taking lessons from Sandy Keane's school of dance, and had her first lesson on Wednesday!

She was so excited to go and just absolutely LOVED it...she didn't want to leave when we were done...but I promised her we can go back next Wednesday so that got her happy again.

Here are some pics of her first night!

The boys are excited for her and have NO desire to take ballet at all...HA! They told me that they were going to stay home with daddy while I took Ashley to ballet and help fix cars, because that's what BOYS do!! OH BOYS!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

SO CUTE ASHLEY!! That's awesome she is in ballet! Will she have a recital? We would love to come if she does!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Very cute Ashley......I know you will love ballet...just like your mommy did!XXOO

Grandma Jane said...

So cute Ashely! You will be the prettiest ballerina in Sioux City!! Have fun!!

Love Grandma & Grandpa

Lisa said...

She is the cutest ballerina I've ever seen! I'm sure she will be great at it in no time!