Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Ashley Jo!

On Friday, our little girl turned the big 3:) WOOHOO!! My how the time is flying...she is such a good little girl, such a big helper with her younger brother, and SO independent! Did I mention how smart this little girl is? my oh my, we are in trouble!!

To celebrate her birthday, daddy took her out for lunch, she opened her presents, we went out for ice cream after supper and played at the park...She got a baby car seat for her dollies, an Alice in Wonderland doll, and "Scooby and the Gang" action figures...she also got some Barbies in the mail from Grandpa George and Grandma Jane!!she LOVES them all:)

On Sunday, we drove down to Ida Grove to celebrate the birthday with Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Doug...Grandma and I took the kids to the swimming pool in town for a couple hours in the afternoon! It was great:) the kids had so much fun, and so did me and Grandma:)

Then we headed back to their house and ordered pizza and Great Grandma Spotts came out to help us celebrate with pizza and cupcakes! YUMMY!

She opened more presents, got some cute outfits for preschool, and a new baby doll and some colors and coloring books...She is a one lucky little girl:)

We are so proud of you Ashley Jo! We love you lots and can't wait to see what the next year brings for you:)


Amy Walter said...

Happy Birthday - sounds like she had a great 3rd birthday!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

That was a fun afternoon....HOT HOT Hot....but fun!!! Glad the kids had a good time. XXOO

Lisa said...

Looks like she got to enjoy a few cupcakes too! Happy Birthday, Ashley!

Jodi Lansink said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley!! Looks like a good birthday...and YES, she is a smart cookie!!!