Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kitchen & bedroom pics

So, our "new" kitchen is done:) it looks sooooo nice!! We decided to get a new refrigerator, and when that was ordered, I thought it might be nice to change things up a little with the we picked out a really great shade of green called Clever really does look really nice:) and the new fridge is awesome!!

Here are the pics to prove it!

AND after that was all done, we decided to get crazy and paint our bedroom!! It is the only room on the main floor that has not been painted in the 5 years that we have lived in this house...we have just had other things to do, but we finally decided on a orangish-red color! It looks really nice...I will just give you a preview on this one, because I want to get some new bedding and to make the room complete, and then I will post pics of that!

And finally, what blogpost would be complete with out pictures of our cute children!!
Evan is already 9 1/2 months, it has just flown by!! He is getting to be such a big boy:) He is so fun, and loves to play with his brothers and sister!! He has started waving, he leans in to give kisses when you pucker up for him, he is a FAST crawler, and is walking along everything and standing on his won't be long and we will have another walker on our hands! He is also been fighting his naps in the morning, hence the picture of him sleeping in his high chair...:) falls asleep after he eats his lunch, I clean him up and lay him down in his crib and he take a good nap!

This picture of Ayden and Elliott cracks me up...we found them like this the other night before we went to bed...sleeping on the floor together! Guess we really didn't need to buy beds for them, huh?!? HA!! 9 nights out of 10 we will find them sleeping together in one bed, or in some crazy spot!! Silly boys...

And Ashley has taken to sleeping under her bed! Seriously...scared me to death the first night she did it and I went in to check her before going to bed and she wasn't there...I looked all around and then under the bed and there she was fast asleep!! goofy girl:) I don't have any pics of her on the camera...but I do have some cute ones of all the kids on my phone from going to Dairy Queen for ice cream the other night, so I will get those off my phone and upload them here later!

So other than the painting and changing things up in the house, nothing new to report! We are, however, anxiously awaiting a much needed vacation, so I will be able to show all of you some awesome pics of the fun time we will be having shortly!!

Also, today is our niece Jillian's 1st birthday...she was born with a condition know as anencephaly, and lived an amazing 22 hours! I know how bittersweet this day must be for my brother and sister-in-law, Adam and Jodi, and our nieces, Ellie, Malia and Brylie...She was an absolute angel and she is missed and loved...please pray for them as they celebrate her life and grieve for her loss...if you have a chance visit Jillian's blog and let them know that you are thinking of them


Grandma Jane said...

Absolutely love the colors you picked out for the kitchen and bedroom! The kitchen really looks nice. Also love the pics of the kids. I can also relate to how you felt when you couldn't find Ash. I about panicked when I couldn't find her that night we were there and I knew she couldn't have gone anywhere!! Silly girl!
Before you know it, Evan will be running with the rest of the kids! They grow up too fast!

Love you guys. Give everyone hugs and kisses from us.

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Good job with the painting Abby! Looks really nice.......those goofy all the pictures. XXOO

Amy Walter said...

Abby - love the paint colors you picked out! Always fun to update and freshen up with new paint!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looking good----love the fridge!! Isn't it fun to change things with a simple can of paint?! Can't wait to see the bedroom too----I LOVE LOVE LOVE picking out bedding(probably why Ellie has had SEVERAL different sets!! HA!)

Lisa said...

What a great post! Your house is looking great...that fridge looks amazing! And your kiddos are cute as always; funny that they're all about sleeping in this post. It seems that they must do that all the time, but somehow I doubt that! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!