Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone had a FABULOUS 4th of July!! We had a great weekend which was filled with lots of fun!

On Saturday evening, our friends Tom, Randi and Logan had a pool party at their was SOOOOO much fun:) the kids and I headed over for a little bit before Chris got off of work, and then he joined us for supper and the rest of the swimming was so nice, and the kids had a blast swimming...Ayden and Elliott could touch in the shallow end so they were pretty excited about that, but they also enjoyed floating on the toys and playing with the beach balls...they did not jump off the diving board, but did jump off the side of the pool about a zillion times!!

Then yesterday, Chris had to work all day, and it was I decided to take the kids to see Toy Story 3! Such a cute movie, the kids really loved it and I did too:) We had lots of fun and of course some YUMMY popcorn!! We had to tell daddy all about it...and now today has been an lazy day around here, went to get another gallon of paint today to finish up the "new" kitchen makeover!! (I will post about that soon, I promise!!) and took naps and now just made some smoothies for the kids and soon it will be on to bed...It was a great 4th of July for the Schrunk family...we hope you all had a wonderful one too!

Here is a pic of the kids before we headed to Toy Story 3 yesterday...and I will be painting again tonight after kids are sleeping, so I hope to show you our new look to the kitchen here soon:)


Jodi Lansink said...

Swimming, movie, popcorn, smoothies....sounds like an awesome weekend to me!!! :) Can't wait to see the kitchen!!

Grandma Jane said...

Wow!! A pool party - sounds like a great way to celebrate the 4th weekend and it looks like the kids were having a blast! Had heard that Toy Story was a good movie. Will have to hear about it when we next visit.

Hugs and Kisses for everyone!
Grandma & Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a fun all the pics!!! XXOO

Lisa said...

The pool party looked like fun! You can never beat movies at the theatre either!