Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This past weekend, Chris' brother, Brandon, and his girlfriend, Michelle, came to visit us!!! we were soooo excited to have visitors...we haven't seen them since Christmas so it was nice to visit with them and of course the kids LOVED playing with them...and they even brought us presents....!!!

We got new jammies, books, colors and coloring books!!! and then Ashley got her birthday present early...a new baby doll!!! she LOVES it:) she also got some more books and the boys got cool Lightning McQueen books....they are loving everything...Thanks so much for everything...we had a blast and hope you guys did too!!!


Grandma Jane said...

Looks like a good time was had by all! Glad that Brandon and Michelle were able to get over and spend some time playing with the kids and hopefully visiting with mom and dad, too!

Miss all of you!
Grandpa and Grandma S.

Grandma Teresa said...

What a fun surprise....Glad Brandon and Michelle got to sit on furniture while visiting!!! LOL I'm sure you all had a great time!!! XXOO G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

How fun! Always nice having visitors!!!