Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ayden & Elliott's 1st Day of Preschool!!!

WOW:) What a day.... Our "babies" went to preschool!!! Can't hardly believe the time has come to start their school days, but it is and they are READY!!!

I didn't have daycare kids this morning, so that I could take them to their 1st day...it was pretty exciting and nervewrecking!!! They both did really well...we had some tears from Ayden when it was time for me and Ashley to say goodbye...he was not happy...but got distracted drawing on the chalkboard, and we left the room...when he realized, well let's just say it took them a while to get him to calm down...I know this because the school we are taking them too is sooo nice and had a "parent's room" for parents to stay in if need be...so Ashley and I stayed the WHOLE time...:) I know...but when he was crying, I was crying, so it was just best for us to stay...they had toys for Ashley and I was not the only mom...their were 4 of us, so it was nice to get to meet some of the other moms from their class!!! and it was good, cause after he calmed down and I couldn't hear anymore tears, it made me feel better, and then they BOTH talked nonstop about it after they were done...they are very ready to go back tomorrow....!!!! I hope day 2 goes better for Ayden, which I am sure it will...just takes some adjustment:) Elliott of course was playing and didn't bat an eye when it was time for me to leave...Just goes to show ya how different twins' personalities can be!!

So here are their pics from this morning when they were all ready to go out the door for their BIG first day!!! How big they look.... all I have to say is, it isn't fair that I have to do 2 at once!!! This is hard!!! But will be well worth it in the end:)

Oh, and don't mind Ms Crabby pants in the pictures...she is still recovering from the tonsil surgery!!! She is doing better, still a little whiny and needy, but it hasn't even been a week yet, so I think she is doing pretty well!!! I will include her "pre-surgery" pics as well!!!


Aunt Janna said...

Cute pics!! Love the ones on the step outside..Ayden's smile is gorgeous!!! Sorry he had some tears later (for both of you!)(Hug) Great job Ayden & Elliott on your first day of school...Keep up the good work!!

Grandma Teresa said...

Good job boys on your first day of school.....of course there are bound to be some tears!!! Have a good day today. Grandma and Grandpa send their hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G
Hope Miss crabby pants continues to do well....keep drinking Ashley Bug!

Jodi Lansink said...

How cute are they on their first day of school?!?!?! LOVE THE BACKPACKS!!!!

It is hard, each kid is differnt, and each mom is different.....hang in there!!! It will be ok, but tears are normal! These are your babies!!! But also a big milestone!!

Lisa said...

They are so adorable. It is hard for even us to believe they are going to preschool already! Too cute...

Hope Ashley continues to do well. She looks like she's hanging in there pretty tough!

Grandma Jane said...

Nice pictures! The boys look so excited! Hope things went well today for all of you.

Love you all!
Grandma and Grandpa S.

Jodi Lansink said...

wow---you're next post is gonna be SUPER LONG!!!! It's been awhile!!! Love to see what you have been up to! (not that you are busy or anything!!! :)