Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Well, last night was the first night for the boys in their very own "big boy bed"!!! It went very well, they are very excited about it:) it is really too cute! I just can't believe how big they are getting...I mean it was just two years ago that they were still in my belly and well, now look at them!!! crazy how time of course that means that Ashley Jo has moved into her very own crib!! she is loving it too...:) but she has found some strange places to fall asleep...for instance, the middle of the living room floor and in her exersaucer!! I just hope that they all have sweet dreams, no matter where they are sleeping!!


Jodi Lansink said...

I think pictures of babies sleeping in the oddest places ARE THE CUTEST!!!!! They look so peaceful...and you know they are really tuckered out when they do!!
Cute Pics!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Two little monkeys in a big boy bed. Doesn't seem possible. And little Ashley so cute on the floor. Soooo tired.

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten that Chris said they were getting their bed. How cute!! Kids can sure sleep in the oddest places and get all turned around. Ashley is getting so big, too!!!!