Friday, January 18, 2008

Chili Night-Take 2

Okay, so it has been long enough now that I decided to venture on Chili night went very well this throwing the bowls:) they actually ate it all...YEAH:) Ashley didn't get any...but the boys entertained her while I got her squash ready...:)


Anonymous said...

Yum!!! It's a good thing they didn't throw the bowls this time!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks good!!! YUUMMYY!

See you all this weekend for the BIG 2 YEAR OLD PARTY!!!!

The Kruse's said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe how big your little ones are. All so cute. The last time we talked you were pregnant with the boys. Time sure goes fast. You have a wonderful family.

Best wishes, Jeremy, Julie and Morgan