Wednesday, August 11, 2010

swimming lessons

The kids have started taking swimming lessons again! This is their second week, and they have so much fun...they absolutley LOVE the water and have no fear! It is great to see them progressing already, they are doing kicks and using their arms and going under water and holding their breath too! They are so excited to get to go to the "big pool" 2 nights a week...It is fun to watch them be little fish!


Amy Walter said...

They look like they love it! So fun - I bet you have a blast watching them!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Glad they are enjoying the swimming lessons.....looks fun! XXOO

Lisa said...

Look how cute they all are in the swimming suits! So adorable, and yet so grown up!

Jodi Lansink said...

They all look so cute!