Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

Today was the day! Ayden, Elliott and Ashley started preschool for the year:) They were soooo excited, and had AWESOME mornings...

This is Ayden and Elliott's second year of preschool, and they are now in the "big kid" class room known as Pre-Kindergarten!! YES, that means NEXT YEAR they go to kindergarten!! oh my...lets just take it one day at a time, shall we!! They both had a great morning, they have gotten so big and I am just amazed at how much maturity they have gained over the summer...don't get me wrong, they are still 4 year old boys in every aspect of the word, but you can definitely tell they are growing up!!

This is Ashley's first year of preschool!! She was so excited, NO TEARS!! She just gave me a hug and kiss and said see ya later mom!! AWWW, what a big girl:) She had so much fun today, her favorite parts were playing with the play-doh and getting to see the boys in the music room! CUTE:) they all get together in the music room for a little while to sing songs, so she was happy she got to see the boys...and they were happy to see her too!!

So all-in-all they had great days!! I am hoping that this year is wonderful for them and that they learn lots!!


Jodi Lansink said...

They all look so cute and grown up!! I am sure it will be another great year of school!!

Lisa said...

Such big backpacks! Too cute...

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Glad they all had a great first day of pre-school!!! Love the picture of them all with their backpacks....all of them way too cute on the first day of school. XXOO

Amy Walter said...

Wow - three in pre-school already?! They all look so cute and grown-up....I'm sure they will have a lot of fun this year!