Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

Today was the day! Ayden, Elliott and Ashley started preschool for the year:) They were soooo excited, and had AWESOME mornings...

This is Ayden and Elliott's second year of preschool, and they are now in the "big kid" class room known as Pre-Kindergarten!! YES, that means NEXT YEAR they go to kindergarten!! oh my...lets just take it one day at a time, shall we!! They both had a great morning, they have gotten so big and I am just amazed at how much maturity they have gained over the summer...don't get me wrong, they are still 4 year old boys in every aspect of the word, but you can definitely tell they are growing up!!

This is Ashley's first year of preschool!! She was so excited, NO TEARS!! She just gave me a hug and kiss and said see ya later mom!! AWWW, what a big girl:) She had so much fun today, her favorite parts were playing with the play-doh and getting to see the boys in the music room! CUTE:) they all get together in the music room for a little while to sing songs, so she was happy she got to see the boys...and they were happy to see her too!!

So all-in-all they had great days!! I am hoping that this year is wonderful for them and that they learn lots!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We have a Ballerina!!

Ashley Jo is taking Ballet classes:) She is SOOOOOO excited!! She is taking lessons from Sandy Keane's school of dance, and had her first lesson on Wednesday!

She was so excited to go and just absolutely LOVED it...she didn't want to leave when we were done...but I promised her we can go back next Wednesday so that got her happy again.

Here are some pics of her first night!

The boys are excited for her and have NO desire to take ballet at all...HA! They told me that they were going to stay home with daddy while I took Ashley to ballet and help fix cars, because that's what BOYS do!! OH BOYS!! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Evan is a WALKER!

That's right...our baby is WALKING!! He has been walking around furniture for EVER, it seems like...but last week, he let go and did the walking thing all on his own! Now he thinks he is pretty big stuff! I will have to take some video of him doing this soon so I can show you all, but for now here are some pictures of our cutie pie!!

swimming lessons

The kids have started taking swimming lessons again! This is their second week, and they have so much fun...they absolutley LOVE the water and have no fear! It is great to see them progressing already, they are doing kicks and using their arms and going under water and holding their breath too! They are so excited to get to go to the "big pool" 2 nights a week...It is fun to watch them be little fish!

Happy 3rd Birthday Ashley Jo!

On Friday, our little girl turned the big 3:) WOOHOO!! My how the time is flying...she is such a good little girl, such a big helper with her younger brother, and SO independent! Did I mention how smart this little girl is? my oh my, we are in trouble!!

To celebrate her birthday, daddy took her out for lunch, she opened her presents, we went out for ice cream after supper and played at the park...She got a baby car seat for her dollies, an Alice in Wonderland doll, and "Scooby and the Gang" action figures...she also got some Barbies in the mail from Grandpa George and Grandma Jane!!she LOVES them all:)

On Sunday, we drove down to Ida Grove to celebrate the birthday with Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Doug...Grandma and I took the kids to the swimming pool in town for a couple hours in the afternoon! It was great:) the kids had so much fun, and so did me and Grandma:)

Then we headed back to their house and ordered pizza and Great Grandma Spotts came out to help us celebrate with pizza and cupcakes! YUMMY!

She opened more presents, got some cute outfits for preschool, and a new baby doll and some colors and coloring books...She is a one lucky little girl:)

We are so proud of you Ashley Jo! We love you lots and can't wait to see what the next year brings for you:)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hello all!! I am so sorry I haven't been blogging...we have been super busy around here, but I do have TONS to blog about...so I promise updates will be coming soon!!

Coming up...swimming lessons, Ashley's 3rd birthday, Evan walking and MORE!!

stay tuned to a computer near you!! ;) HA!