Monday, June 21, 2010

Pony Rides

Yesterday was Father's Day, and unfortunatly Chris had to work :( so we decided to surprise him in the morning by taking him doughnuts to work and some cute cards that the kids had made him!! He was surprised and happy with the doughnuts and artwork...we LOVE you so much honey!! Thanks for being such a great dad and husband!!

So after we visited daddy at work, we headed out of town to visit Grandpa and Grandma Lansink...and got to have brunch with the whole crew, minus Andrew and Lisa :( we were sad to not have you with us, but had a yummy lunch...then we went and visited the Great was lots of fun!!

Then it was time for a snooze on the way home, because the church up the hill from us was having a little carnival that we had gotten a flier about! They had free hot dogs, popcorn and lemonade, and all kinds of fun games...bowling, ring toss, bean bag toss, an obstacle course, a fun bouncy house and THE biggest hit PONY RIDES!! The kids had never had a ride on a horse, so it was a great fun experience...there was NO fear, and the hopped right on and LOVED it!! Ayden got to ride on Apple and Elliott and Ashley got to ride on was a lot of fun, very tiring, so we came home and cleaned up and got ready for bed:) What a fun day!

We hope our Dad's had a Happy Father's Day! We LOVE you lots:)


Grandma Jane said...

How exciting! Sure looks like they were enjoying themselves. How did you get them to go home after all that fun?!

Jodi Lansink said...


Grandpa and Grandma said...

It was a fun day!!! Too bad daddy missed all the fun.....and PONY RIDES!!! Bet Daddy got to hear all about it when he got home! XXOO

Lisa said...

Super fun. That's good they weren't afraid and just enjoyed it!