Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa George

Last weekend we made the trip over to Dubuque for the weekend to help Grandpa George celebrate his 60th birthday!! We had a great time, the kids got to see all their aunts, uncles and cousins and had a FABULOUS time with ALL of them:) We miss you all already and can't wait until we can all be together again!! Hopefully that will be soon...

Here are some pics from the weekend...

His actual birthday isn't until June 21st, but we had fun celebrating a little early:) Happy Birthday Grandpa George!!


Grandma Jane said...

It was a very fun weekend! Grandpa and I loved having everyone here!! It was great to watch the kids enjoying each other and everyone having a good time. Miss everyone after they're gone tho'. It gets very quiet.
Grandpa says thanks for the birthday wishes!
Hugs n Kisses!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Looks like the cake was a big hit!!! Hope you have a great birthday George. Doug and Teresa