Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So, Evan has sort of out grown his baby tub, so it is time that he join in the fun in the big tub with the big kids!! HA! He is very interested in being in the tub with them, doesn't even cry at all:) The kids love him to be in there too...Sorry in the pic, Elliott did NOT want his picture taken...I do what I can!!

Also, here is a pic of the boys on their birthday night blowing out their candle on some scotcharoos:) yummy!! and just for fun, one of them all together:) We really haven't been up to anything too exciting around here...just biding our time and waiting for spring to arrive (it can't come soon enough)!! The boys have been going to preschool and are loving it! They are now practicing writing letters and are both getting close to doing their names pretty well! It is so exciting to watch them learn and to see how excited they are to do new things:) We also have been playing a lot of games...loving Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders...and of course the boys LOVE to do bowling on the WII:) So that's about all for now...hopefully we find something fun to do this weekend and I will have more to blog about then!


Jodi Lansink said...

That's nice they can all take a bath together---and makes it easy for you!!! We are also waiting for spring, the winter has been too long already! Cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures all the monks in the bathtub....sorry Elliott. XXOO G&G

Grandma Teresa said...

That was me. @#$% stupid computer...or is it the operater???

Grandma Jane said...

Good to see all the pictures of the kids. Evan is growing so fast!!

Miss all of you!!

Hugs and Kisses for everyone!

G&G Schrunk