Thursday, October 8, 2009

4 Little Monkeys!!!

We can't do a photo shoot around here with out EVERYONE getting a turn to hold Evan!! They love their new brother very much... if it isn't obvious from their faces in the pics:)

Also got Ayden & Elliott's school pics back this cute!!

I can't believe tomorrow Evan will be 2 weeks old already....the time needs to SLOW down!!! he is such a good baby we have zero to complain about... just all around wonderful!!



Janna said...

They're Adorable!!! So precious and happy each one is (especially when it's their turn to hold baby Evan)!! Very cute school pics, Elliott and Ayden!!!


Grandma Jane said...

What good pics of Ayden and Elliott - they did a good job!!! Soooo glad Evan is such a good baby. Can't wait to see and hold him again and for Grandpa to get to meet him and play with all the kids. We miss the 4 little monkeys!!!

Hugs and Kisses for all!
Love you,
Grandma and Grandpa S.

Grandma Teresa said...

The 4 little monkeys are just adorable!!! Look at the two handsome boys that go to school!!! No slowing down now Abby!! XXOO for all of the monks. G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

and what cute little monkeys they are!!!! Love the school pics---so grown up!!!

Lisa said...

The boys are so cute in their school pictures...they did so well! How cute the each kid needed a turn with the baby!