Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ROOM is DONE:)

YEAH:) The boys have officially moved into their new room!!! After a lot of HARD work this weekend from Chris and his dad, the boys have slept in their room for two nights now....and they are loving it!!! it is soooo awesome and looks better than I could ever have imagined...I do not have decorations up yet or their clothes moved, but I am going to work on that...I just am sooooooo excited that they are able to have their new room and adjust to it!!!!!! also Ashley is adjusting well to having her own room for NOW!!! I told her that I would be cleaning out the boys' stuff and putting the baby stuff in and she told me "NO"....sorry little girl, you have to share with the new baby!!!

Thank you to Chris and George for all of their HARD work over the past few months!! IT looks GREAT:)

Just wanted to share the exciting new pics with everyone:) Enjoy!!


Jodi Lansink said...

That is exciting! Looks great---love the wall color!

Grandma Teresa said...

Looks GREAT!!! Bet the kids love it. Good job Chris and George.

Lisa said...

That is so exciting! Can't wait to see it! Glad the boys are loving it.

Grandma Jane said...

Love the blue color! Amazing what a little color will do for a room. Sounds like Ashley really enjoys having her own room, too - even if only for a short time.

Miss you guys! Wish I could have come with Grandpa last weekend. Next time!

Love, Grandma