Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th and some picnics!

We had a pretty low stress weekend, which was really nice after such a busy one last weekend!

We just got to hang out and do a lot of cleaning and catching up on some playing... Chris had to work, so he missed out on the relaxation:( but the rest of us enjoyed ourselves...

On Saturday morning, the kids did have their neighborhood 4th of July parade to be was their 2nd year, and this year they all got to ride their bikes/tricycle in the was lots and lots of fun!!! then afterwards we got to have refreshments and play with some of the neighbor kids! glad the rain held off for that fun event!!

We didn't even stay up to see any fireworks this year...maybe next year:)

On Sunday, Grandpa and Grandma Lansink drove up on the motorcycle...we had some lunch and then played in the park for the afternoon!!! it was lots of fun:) the kids always love it when a Grandma or Grandpa comes to play with them...way more fun then mom and dad!!!

Also last week, we had such fabulous weather, that we took advantage and ate our lunch outside as a picnic EVERY DAY!! it was sooo nice and the kids loved it...they called it a "picnic Party" !!! too cute:) was nice and easy clean up for me, so I thought why not...there are some pics of them enjoying their "picnic party" included with the 4th pics of the parade!

Hope everyone had a great and safe holiday, and we will post more soon!!!


Grandma Teresa said...

All really cute pictures Abby!!! We love the one of all of them riding down the street on the bikes. Looks like a very fun parade. Give them all hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G

Grandma Jane said...

What cute pictures of everyone! Glad they had such a fun-filled 4th.

The parade is really a neat idea and I'm sure the kids really enjoy that especially now that they have bikes and a trike to ride!

Love you all! Hope to see you soon.

Grandma and Grandpa S.

Jodi Lansink said...

What a fun idea with the kiddie parade! They look cute riding their bikes, they look so grown up!!