Monday, December 15, 2008

Schrunk Family Christmas

Hello All!!

Sorry it has been a while since we have checked in, but trust me there is plenty to report about tonight!!!

First I got a new camera for Christmas:) Chris gave it to me last Wednesday evening:) It is a canon digital and it takes WONDERFUL pictures...check out the slide show below for all the wondeful pics from the weekend...

On Thursday evening, we took off after all of my daycare kids left, and headed to Dubuque to spend the weekend with Chris' parents and siblings for the Schrunk Family Christmas...We had a good drive, despite a little snow from just before Webster City to about Cedar Falls, everything went well...We arrived around 10:30 and got the kids settled and went to beds ourselves...

On Friday morning, we played and hung out around the house for a little while...Grandma Jane had an appointment to go to, so we took that time to take the kids to the mall to see Santa!!! This was the first visit of the season, and it went OK...they all would give Hi-5's to him, but did NOT want to sit on his we just stood by him and visited for a minute, they really seemed to like him, for the most part... Then after that we met up with Grandma Jane to head up to Mt. Carmel, where she works, to visit some of the co-workers...aka "show off the grandkids":) Then we were back to Grandma & Grandpa's for a nap....After nap's Grandma had made sugar cookies, and she frosted them, so the kids could decorate them with sprinkles...They had tons of fun with that... Later on after supper, we hopped in the car because in Dubuque at Murphy Park is a wonderful display of Holiday is really get to stay in your car and drive through the park and look at all the lights and decorations that hundreds of volunteers put was sooooo pretty, and the kids absolutely LOVED IT!!!

On Saturday, we had special plans for the morning, because all of the grandkids were getting their pictures taken with Grandpa & Grandma...The shots turned out awesome...all of the kids cooperated and it was really a great shoot!!! Then it was back to G & G's house, for our family Christmas dinner....wonderful ham, turkey and all the fixings!!! VERY YUMMY...after naps we got to open presents...the boys got awesome John Deere tractors and Ashley got a shopping cart and some groceries...also some power tools and a tickle me Ernie...everything has been wonderful, the kids love it all and have played all day with the new toys!!!

After a little leftover dinner & some wondeful cheesecake (thanks Carolynne)... We had heard that the weather was not going to be the greatest on was supposed to be sleeting and freezing and slick out, so we really didn't want to drive back in that, so we opted to head back for home on Saturday evening...da da da.

That is supposed to mean bad things are coming....

So we are driving along...and what should appear...............2 deer!!!!!!!!! And wouldn't you know it we HIT 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!

We were right at the 6 mile to Fort Dodge sign, when this all took place...the car was NOT driveable...we got the state patrol there...who got us a tow...we opted to stay in a hotel for the evening considering it was 10:30 at night, and by the time everything was all said and done and the tow truck got us to a motel it was nearly midnight....Thankfully we were all okay!!!!!! the kids were a little shook up and scared, but everything was ok once we got in our room and got them settled into bed...Then the next morning on Sunday, my parents, came to our rescue and picked us up at the motel and took us back to their house for a while...then we brought their van the rest of the way home...we will figure out a rental situation soon, hopefully the Expedition will be fixed soon!!!!!!!!!! and then this whole mess can be behind us!!! We were just thankful that we arrived home all together and in one peice, vehicles can be replaced, our children can not!!!!!!!!!!!

So that is our fun time that we was great (except for the last 24 hours)...Thank you to all who made it a wonderful Christmas celebration for us and for all you help with our little accident!!! We love you all:)

Enjoy the pics in the slide show...sorry there are so many, I couldn't pick just a few:)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like a great Christmas---except for the ending, but at least everyone is ok!!!!!
See you next week for more festivities!!!