Saturday, October 13, 2007

Random Funny

Okay, here is a comical story from the mouth of Elliott the other night!!!

We were all sitting on the couch, Ayden on my left, Ashley eating on my lap (as usual...can't you tell from the picutres!!), Elliott on my right, and Chris on his right...we were reading books, and Ashley interrupted, like babies tend to do with a very loud, obviously poopy diaper....well, Elliott sure didn't waste anytime, he turned and looked at me, and then looked at her bottom and said "She pooped!!!!!!!!!!" (like we didn't know!!)

Chris and I busted up laughing...we thought it was pretty cute:) I told Elliott though that since he was the first to "notice" that it was his turn to change the diaper...he didn't quite understand me, I don't think, because I ended up changing it while he just went about playing, hmmmmmm, hardly seems fair huh:)

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