Friday, August 12, 2011


We have a new 4 year old in the house...Last Saturday, Aug 6th, our little Ashley Jo turned 4!!

It is totally amazing to me that 4 years have gone by since she joined our family, I just have no words to describe how lucky we are to have her:)

She is so smart, spunky, sassy and simply SUPER!! She is everything a little girl should be and MORE...she is strong, independent, curious, quizitive, silly and FUNNY...WE love you so much ASHLEY:)

On her actual birthday, Grandma Jane and Grandpa George, and also Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Doug, cousins Ellie, Malia and Brylie, and Uncle Andrew all came over for supper...we grilled a pork loin and had yummy sweet corn, and the birthday girl picked chocolate cupcakes for mommy to make for we had those with some ice cream!

Thank you all for coming to help Ashley celebrate...she had so much fun:)

On Sunday, we told her she could pick a friend and they could go and get their nails done...This was her first time of being able to go to a salon and get that done, and SHE loved it!! Her friend Mallory enjoyed as well:)

Ashley, we are so proud of the wonderful 4 year old that you have become, and we are so excited to see all the wonderful and exciting things that your life will bring...we know for sure that you will do things YOUR way, with YOUR own spunk and style...we wouldn't have it any other way:)

WE LOVE YOU peanut!!


Grandma Jane said...

We had so much fun, too!! She is Sooooo Smart too! Glad we could be there and help her celebrate and it was also good to see all of you!

Hugs and Kisses!
Grandma Jane and Grandpa George

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a great birthday you had Ashley! Going to a salon!!! Such a lucky little girl.....we had a great time at your party!!! (I love your dress!) XXOO G&G

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