Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

We woke up on Christmas morning, to find out that Santa had been here to visit us! Wow, we sure were lucky:)

The kids were so excited that he came and left toys, ate his cookies, the reindeer ate their carrotts and left us a note! It was great to see their excited faces!!

We opened presents, the older kids each got a Leapster, a game to go with it, Ayden and Elliott got remote control cars that even go on the walls! and Ashley got a camera...Evan got a new tricycle and a fun new Vtech Alphabet toy...They are all loving their new stuff from Santa!! And we also got a great family gift from Santa, a Playstation 3!! It is so much fun:)

We got all cleaned up, and the kids changed into their new clothes from us, and then we made a yummy breakfast, bacon, sausage, YUM! They of course were playing with all of their stuff...we got everything cleaned up from breakfast and headed down to Grandpa Doug and Grandma Teresa's! We got to spend a little time relaxing and hanging out with G and G and Andrew and Lisa, before we headed over to Sac City for the Spotts' family Christmas...It was lots of good food, great presents and fun times! Thanks to everyone:)

On Sunday, we did our family Christmas with G and G and my siblings and their wives...we had a lot of fun and got A LOT of great things!!

We thank you all for everything:)

WE had such a wonderful Christmas this is so fun to see the magic in the kids' eyes! Just LOVE it:) Too bad it always goes so fast!!

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma said...

It was a lot of FUN!!! XXOO