Sunday, December 19, 2010

Two weekends' worth of wrap ups!!

So, I was a bad blogger this last week...but the week flew by and we were busy finishing things up for Christmas, and well ya know...time just gets away from me, so here are two weekends' worth of Schrunk fun!!

Last weekend, we were planning to head out of town to visit Gma & Gpa Schrunk and the rest of the aunts, uncles and cousins to celebrate Christmas. We had taken Friday off of work and were planning to leave Thursday evening. Well, lo and behold, we got the stomach flu on Wednesday evening. Started around 8:30 Wednesday night, we felt awful...Chris got it the worst, Elliott had it, and I did was a rough one from about midnight til 3:30 am...anyway...I couldn't watch kids on Thursday and we all just laid around and felt miserable...we cancelled our trip, didn't want to spread germs, and didn't really feel well until Friday evening...that's when we could eat some "real" food again...but it really didn't matter because the weather struck again, and we had horrible weather here, and they had horrible weather in Illinois, so we had to cancel Christmas :( bummer!!

So instead we decided to stay home, bake our Christmas goodies, and watch Christmas movies with the kids! It turned out to be a very nice and relaxing weekend, just not what we had planned...The kids loved helping with the goodies, so that was lots of fun...we made peanut butter blossoms, almond bark dipped oreos, chocolate chip truffles...Have to make some more of these (SO GOOD)...and also have to make some peanut clusters...but I think we are set on the goodies for a while!! We also got some fun in playing Mariocart on the Wii...a lot of fun, and a lot of rest so that we got over it! Thankfully Evan, Ashley and Ayden avoided it! It was AWFUL...hope all of you can avoid it as well!!

So, this weekend, we had a Christmas celebration planned on Saturday with Great Gma and Great Gpa Kelly...I had planned to take the kids, because it was Chris' weekend to work, and then Gma and Gpa Schrunk decided the weather was ok for them to make it over to celebrate we got to open up lots of presents this weekend! The kids are in heaven:)

From Great Grandpa and Grandma Kelly, the boys got awesome Hot Wheels race tracks...they love them! Criss Cross Crash and Bionic fun! Ashley got doll house furniture:) Evan, unfortunately got something he already has, but we will return it and get something equally as fun for him to enjoy!

From Gma and Gpa Schrunk, the boys got Stinky the Garbage truck and Rocky the Matchbox truck...they love them! they also got new shirts, ornaments, and remote controled dinosaurs and motorcycles:) Ashley got the Fisher Price Loving Family doll, she is LOVING it:) she also got an ornament and a new crocheted hat...Evan got a new My First reader, an ornament and a penguin Pillow cute!!

Ashley and I also got a very nice surprise. Great Grandma Schrunk had some silverware, that Jane had come to have, and while they were at the Spencer Fair this fall, they came across a lady who turned silverware into beautiful they decided to take her silverware and make an angel pin for each of the girls in the family! How beautiful, and what a great idea! Thank you so much:)

So, we had a great couple of weekends, and next weekend will probably prove to be a busy one too, ya know with Santa coming and all;) Should be fun! the kids are getting really excited!! So thanks to all whom we have been blessed to spend time with this holiday season already, AND we are anxious to spend time with the rest of you soon:)

HO, HO, HO....:)


Lisa said...

Very busy weeks for sure! We are excited to see you guys next week!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

WOW!!! You guys have been busy!!! Glad you were all feeling better to enjoy your weekend with the Schrunks! Looks like everyone had a great time.......4 lucky little monkeys!!! XXOO G&G

Grandma Jane said...

It was soooo good to see all of you again! Seemed like it had been forever! The kids are growing so much and Evan has changed so much. It was also fun to see them open up all their presents. They sure do make the holidays fun!

Love you!
Grandma and Grandpa S.