Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weekend in KC

We decided to get away for the weekend, so we headed down to visit my aunt, uncle and cousin...Julie, Steve and Nick:) We are so glad we did, because we had such a blast visiting with them...we got some Christmas shopping done, and got to visit and have a great time with them...We got there on Friday night around 9:45...the kids were worn out, but perked up a little when we got there, so it was a little late before we got to bed, and then of course they were up early! We had some breakfast, and then Chris, Evan and I headed out to do some shopping, and the rest of the gang hung out and went and played at some playgrounds...we came back while they were eating lunch...we all snoozed a little and then when we were up and going again, we headed to Deanna Rose Farm....a great place close to their house that has animals you can pet, tons of areas to play and just a great family place to be! The kids had so much fun feeding the goats and watching the ducks and fish, the cows, the pigs, the horses, etc, etc, etc!!! It was really a great place to hang out...
After that, we went to a playground area and got to let the kids play and swing...then we headed back, grilled burgers and hot dogs, made some chocolate chip cookies...gave kids baths and then watched a Scooby Doo movie:) Then Nick read the kids a story "The Littlest Pumpkin" and then they headed to BED!
We headed home on Sunday morning, to be home in plenty of time for trick or treating:) Thanks so much Julie, Steve and Nick for letting us come and visit and all of the fun times you showed us!! WE had a BLAST:)


Grandpa and Grandma said...

What good pictures of a really great weekend!! Bet the kids had a blast! Looks like the Mauer's did too! XXOO G&G

Lisa said...

What a fun weekend getaway!

Grandma Jane said...

You really had a VERY busy weekend and packed in a lot of fun activites! Looks like a great time for everyone.

Love you!
Grandma & Grandpa