Sunday, September 19, 2010

Evan's Party

Yesterday was a big day for our baby boy!! We celebrated his 1st Birthday with a great party with our wonderful family and friends!! Evan actually turns one on the 25th, but Chris has to work next weekend, so it was time to celebrate yesterday...

He had so much fun, eating the yummy supper...opening the presents:) and diving into the CAKE!!

I can hardly believe that this little guy is already a year just seems like yesterday that he was born, but yet it seems like he has always been apart of our lives...we don't know what we would do without him! we just love him SO much!! He is so sweet, and smart! He is a big boy, weighing in at 24 1/2 pounds! He is wearing 12-18 months in clothes...he has been walking for a while now, and loves to play with any toys! (he got a lot of great ones as presents that he is loving!!) He says momma, dadda, hi, byebye, and is so cute:) His new thing is to put a toy phone up to his ear and say hi, like he is really talking to someone! He is also figuring out his body parts...just tonight I said tongue and he started sticking his out at me and laughing! cutie pie:) HE is just too adorable for words:)

So here are some pics of the great party! We can't thank all of you who were able to make it enough for helping us celebrate this milestone in our little boys life! We are so blessed to have him, and wonderful family and friends that love him too!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like a great party! Happy Birthday Evan!

Lisa said...

Glad everyone had a good time! Happy Birthday, Evan!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

We had a great time at the party!!! Love all the pictures and esp the one of Evan eating his cake....give him some more hugs and birthday kisses from G&G. XXOO

Grandma Jane said...

It was a very nice party. Glad I could make it and Grandpa was disappointed that he couldn't make it. At least he can see the pics. It was fun watching Evan with his presents and the cake! He is such a cutie and so good natured!
Love to all!
Grandma and Grandpa S.