Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Fun & New cousin

I have been a slacker, I know, but we have been enjoying our summer, with lots of time outside playing...we also have welcomed a new cousin!! Brylie Nicole-Grace joined our family on May 25th:) She is so sweet, the kids LOVE her and we are so excited to have her as a part of our enough words, here are some pics:)

We hope you all are enjoying your summer! WE ARE:) We already took on trip (see the post below) and have a couple more mini-vacations planned...before we know it the summer will be winding down and school will be starting again! BUT before that happens we have some SUN to enjoy!! More fun pics soon...


Grandma Jane said...

Congratulations to the Lansink family on the newest addition! She looks like a cutie! It also looks like the kids know how to beat the heat and keep cool! Have fun!

Grandma & Grandpa S.

Grandpa and Grandma said...

That pool looks like a great way to spend the summer!!! XXOO