Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter 2010

We traveled this Easter to visit Grandpa and Grandma was a rough winter, so we hadn't been over there in a while, so it was a much needed trip...The kids had an awesome time playing with G & G and also playing with all their cousins!! It was great to spend some time with family:) We all had a blast...we colored Easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt, ate some yummy food!! The Easter bunny also found us over in Dubuque and brought the kids movies, baseball gloves and baseballs, books and of course candy!! We had a great trip and LOTS of FUN!! Thanks for a great weekend:)


Jodi Lansink said...

What a fun Easter! I am sure they were all excited to have you visit!! That is pretty cool the Easter Bunny got them ball Ashley's PINK one!!! ;)

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a great weekend!!! Love the pic of all the kids and their baskets! XXOO

Grandma Jane said...

You have some really good pictures Abby. We had a great time, too, and were so glad you could come. It was fun having everyone here and doing the eggs and watching the kids hunting for the eggs. I'm sure the Easter Bunny was glad he could hide eggs outside instead of trying to hide them inside!!

Give the kids hugs and kisses from us!!
Love ya!
G & G Schrunk