Monday, March 8, 2010

The weekend

We had visitors this weekend...Grandma Jane and Grandpa George drove over on Friday to spend the weekend with us! The kids had a blast, it had been a while since we had gotten to visit with them, so it was great for the kids to play and have fun with them...

On Friday night, I went to volunteer at our church's Famous fish fry! We served about 880 people that night! very very busy...the kids stayed with Chris and Grandma and Grandpa and had a good time playing...

On Saturday we went for lunch at Minerva's to help Great Grandma Alice celebrate her 80th birthday:) We had such a good time, the food was good, and it was nice to be able to see some family members that we haven't gotten to see in a long time! I also got a wonderful surprise dessert since I will be celebrating a birthday this week:) It was yummy and the kids really liked it too!!

Also on Saturday night, the kids surprised me with a yummy Cold Stone ice cream good and yummy! Now just need to wait for the big day, only a few days left of my 20's now...they have been great, so I am anxious to see what 30 brings:)


Janna said...

What Fun!! That cake looks delicious! The kiddos are as cute as ever! Happy Birthday early sweet Abby Jo!!


Amy Walter said...

Sounds like you had a nice weekend Abby! Yum - cold stone ice cream cakes are soooo good!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a fun weekend......Dad and I love Cold Stone!!! Talk to you soon. XXOO M&D

Jodi Lansink said...

What a fun weekend with family!!! Hope you had a great birthday---the cake looks YUMMY!!!! :)