Thursday, February 11, 2010

Evan's first ceral!

On Monday night, we gave Evan some ceral for the first time! He really didn't quite know what to think, but he seemed to like it:) But after two nights of ceral and two nights of not sleeping, I am thinking his tummy may not be ready for last night we didn't do ceral and what do ya know, he slept like he usually does...soooo, I guess we won't be doing ceral for a little big longer, I need to call the doctor and see what she thinks and then we can go from there! But since it was his first ceral, here are some pics to enjoy:)

Also, the boys brought home some cute "projects" from school yesterday...a cute valentine for us and them practicing writing their names! they are getting pretty good at it!!

Oh, and here are a couple cuties from this morning, while the boys were at school!


Lisa said...

Sounds like you may have to take a break from the cereal, or else I've also heard switching to oatmeal instead of the rice cereal. I don't know...just what a friend had said about her kids. I deal with eyes, not peds!

Great art projects Ayden & Elliott! Ashley's cute as ever!

Grandma Jane said...

Great job Ayden and Elliott on writing your names and the art projects! How cute! Great pic of Ashley and Evan, too. It's amazing how all four of the kids have such bright blue eyes!!!

Miss you!

Grandma Teresa said...

Very very cute.....all of them!!! Can you believe the boys can write!!!
Little Evan's tummy will just have to wait a while....and Ashley..cute as a button. XXOO for all. G&G