Thursday, May 14, 2009

Half way there....

Yes, it is true:) I am 20 weeks now and half way done with this pregnancy!!! our little baby will be here in NO time!! it is amazing how fast it goes really!! anyway, sorry to not have posted Mother's day stuff yet, I haven't been feeling the greatest! I woke up on Monday morning, and the room was spinning, when I was able to get up I was really weak and wobbly, so I thought maybe I needed something to I ate a banana and had some juice...long story short, that wasn't the problem, you can guess what happened!!! so anyway, I was still uneasy and wobbly so I called the dr and went up...they think it is an inner ear imbalance, probably from any type of virus that has fun around my house in the last couple of weeks....yesterday was the first day I felt really normal and today is even better, so I am hoping that it is passing!!!! that is horrible when the room spins, I never want to feel like that again!!!!!!!!!!

So anyway, that appt. counted since I was supposed to go next week for my check-up, baby sounded great and even better NO weight gain!! I don't know how, because I have been eating NON STOP!!! oh well, I will take it:) we did set up another ultrasound for June 11!! but sorry all who want to know, Chris is the only one who will know the sex of the baby, I am going to be surprised and so is everyone else!! enjoy the suspense:)

So anyway, Mother's day was great!! except Chris had to work all weekend:(
but on Saturday night him and the kids took me to the Outback for supper, it was fun, but the food really wasn't that great and the service wasn't any better...we never have good experiences there anymore, I tell ya...My first choice was Olive Garden but it was an HOUR wait and with 3 kids that is NOT an option anymore:) but we all had fun together and it was nice to get out of the house for the evening...

On Sunday, the kids and I drove down to G & G Lansink's to go out for brunch with them and the aunt, uncles and cousins:) we had really good food and lots of fun...back to G & G's for a nap and then it was tractor rides for all (except me who got to keep sleeping! it was great! thanks mom and dad:) then time to head to the Great Grandparents for some visiting and then on to was a late night but very very fun:)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful mother's day!!!

Here are my pics from the weekend, not too many on my camera! I was slacking apparently!! Just one of everyone eating, and then my kiddos helping Grandpa perform surgery on how Owie!!! Hope it feels better Grandpa:)

1 comment:

Grandma Teresa said...

It was a very fun weekend.....enjoy your weekend with Chris's parents. News flash for Ayden.......Grandma found your Teddy Bear.....Horray! I will get it to you off to Chicago for the weekend. Hugs and kisses for all. XXOO G&G