Monday, April 20, 2009

Friends & the Circus

Our good college friends, the Lange's came to visit Sioux City and all of the old college buddies this weekend...WE had SOOOO much fun, we all have kids the same age, and it is just nice to be able to visit with them...We headed over to Mike and Melissa's on Friday night and bbq'd some steaks and the kids got to play was sooo nice, then on Saturday we went to the mall for the kids to play in the play area, since it was raining...then home for naps and then everyone came over to our house on Saturday night for some more bbqing...we had hot dogs, brats and hamburgers and great FRIENDS to enjoy the night....On Sunday, we decided to take the kids to the circus and Trent and Susie decided to stay and take their kids too, so it was a great big fun day...we met up with Mike, Melissa, Trent and Susie and all the kiddos at Famous Dave's before the circus to enjoy a "nice" lunch...well as nice as you can get with 7 kids!!~~~ crazy, huh??? then it was on to the was a nice show, the's a circus, right!! but the kids had a blast, Ashley and Elliott even got a little snooze in towards the end of the
1st half and through the intermission, then enjoyed the 2nd half...I thought Ayden was going to be out right away, but he ended up making it through the whole thing, then fell asleep on the car ride home:)

We had sooo much fun, like we always do when we get to see any of our college we can't wait to make a trip up to Minneapolis soon to visit them and hang out on their turf!!! Thanks for coming guys:) Miss ya already!!

Here are some pics of the weekend...on Saturday night we got one of all the kids together, minus Ben who was NOT having it at that point...we should have tried a little earlier in the night, but this was the best we could do!! the other pics are of famous dave's and the circus!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

That's great you got to hang out with good frends, and how nice their kids are the same age as yours----very fun!

Grandma Teresa said...

What a fun weekend you guys had....Ayden was right...there was a big snake!!! Give them all hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G

Grandma Jane said...

Lions who jump over fire! That is very exciting! It is so much fun to hear them talk about their adventures. Glad that everyone had such a good weekend. The pic of all the kids is really cute, too. They are all really growing!!

Love to all and big hugs and kisses all around!

Grandma and Grandpa S.