Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Last week...

It was sooo nice, the weather was just great....we got out and played like everyday, it was soooooooooo wonderful:)

Here are some pics from the fun outside!

Hopefully this week will warm up soon and we can get some more playing in outside!!

Also, update...last night Chris and I jumped into 2009 by getting Blackberry's!! WOW, I know:) anyway, so now I have a cell phone again...anybody wanting my number, just give me an e-mail, or comment here and I will send my new number your way...Chris' number is the same!!!

Have a great week!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Friends & the Circus

Our good college friends, the Lange's came to visit Sioux City and all of the old college buddies this weekend...WE had SOOOO much fun, we all have kids the same age, and it is just nice to be able to visit with them...We headed over to Mike and Melissa's on Friday night and bbq'd some steaks and the kids got to play outside...it was sooo nice, then on Saturday we went to the mall for the kids to play in the play area, since it was raining...then home for naps and then everyone came over to our house on Saturday night for some more bbqing...we had hot dogs, brats and hamburgers and great FRIENDS to enjoy the night....On Sunday, we decided to take the kids to the circus and Trent and Susie decided to stay and take their kids too, so it was a great big fun day...we met up with Mike, Melissa, Trent and Susie and all the kiddos at Famous Dave's before the circus to enjoy a "nice" lunch...well as nice as you can get with 7 kids!!~~~ crazy, huh??? then it was on to the circus...it was a nice show, the usual...it's a circus, right!! but the kids had a blast, Ashley and Elliott even got a little snooze in towards the end of the
1st half and through the intermission, then enjoyed the 2nd half...I thought Ayden was going to be out right away, but he ended up making it through the whole thing, then fell asleep on the car ride home:)

We had sooo much fun, like we always do when we get to see any of our college friends....now we can't wait to make a trip up to Minneapolis soon to visit them and hang out on their turf!!! Thanks for coming guys:) Miss ya already!!

Here are some pics of the weekend...on Saturday night we got one of all the kids together, minus Ben who was NOT having it at that point...we should have tried a little earlier in the night, but this was the best we could do!! the other pics are of famous dave's and the circus!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter 2009

Well, another successful Easter has come and gone...this year Chris had to work:( so the kids and I headed to my parent's house on Saturday morning to spend the weekend...we had so much fun playing, seeing the baby cows, riding & driving the tractors, and hunting for Easter eggs....I think that they and I were all exhausted from a fun weekend...

On Saturday after naps, we headed out to find Grandpa in the tractor...got rides, and then we went and saw baby cows...then we went in to wait for cousins Ellie and Malia to come join us for some Easter egg coloring...BOY THAT WAS FUN!!! We had a great time with them, always fun to play with cousins:)

Then on Sunday we went to Mass...Ms. Ashley left a little to be desired in the behavior department at church, she is just far to busy to sit still apparently!! Then after Mass, we headed to Great Grandpa and Grandma Lansink's...Grandpa Bernard had just gotten out of the hospital so we were grateful for him to be with us and for him to be feeling better!! We had a great brunch and "hunted" for eggs...the kids LOVED it, then visited for a while....

We headed back to G& G's for some naps...then we got a surprise from Uncle Keith & Aunt Deb who were out driving the Army Jeep, so they brought it out to the farm for the kids to take a spin...Ashley sat in it but didn't want to ride, but the boys and Grandpa took a spin and had a blast...then they had to ride the new 4-wheeler before we ate a bite to eat. Great Grandpa and Grandma Spotts and NEal and Janna stopped out too for a few mintues for some Easter Treats....Grandma too was in the hospital last week for her leg, so hopefully that is starting to feel better too!!! after we ate and visited it was time to HEAD HOME!!!

All in all it was a great weekend with lots of fun!!! We also got VERY COOL Easter cards in the mail from Grandpa and Grandma Schrunk...the kids loved getting those cards and headed straight for the piggy banks with their money!!! smart little savers we have!!!

Enjoy the Easter pictures:) We have some college friends in town this weeekend, so I am sure we will have much more to post about later!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Remodeling the....

KITCHEN!!! yes that is right everyone...surprise surpise (to us too)... we are supposed to be working on the boys' new room I know, but we are kind of at a stopping point right now for various reasons on that room, it will hopefully resume here probably in May I would guess, but anyway, we took a trip out to Lowe's last weekend and stumbled upon some ceramic tile that was discounted way down, that we really liked...We have known for a while that we have wanted to replace the floors in the kitchen, because we want to take our carpets up and put in hard wood floors (it will be soooo much easier with KIDS!) So anyway...we found this stuff and BOUGHT IT!!! crazy I know.... but it was such a good price we couldn't beat it and I am sure in a few months when we wanted to do it, we wouldn't have been able to find a deal like this....

So we got the tile home and our friends Tom and Randi recently had tile done in their new kitchen, so we asked them who put it in...not that Chris couldn't have done it, but we did get such a good deal on it, and it is the kitchen and Chris has never done a big tile job like this before, so we thought we might as well have a professional do it!!! so we called him on Monday and he said well actually I have time to do it this week, I can come tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW...that is fast, so we (and when I say we I mean Chris:) tore out the old floor and got the stove and fridge out of their and the guy has been working on the floor ever since...he started on Tuesday morning, and they finished up today about 11:30 with the grout!!!!!!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING:) We are soooo pleased with it, they did an awesome job....

So here are some pics of our surprise renovations!!! sometimes planning things is overrated huh:)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


So since nothing much is new...I just thought I would show some everyday pictures of our "life"....Last Sunday G & G Lansink surprised us and stopped by with some ice cream treats...we were outside because it was nice, so we got to play with them and have fun outside...

So much for that this weekend, huh....can we say BLIZZARD!!! YUCK..... As of right now, it has not started snowing here YET, but we are in blizzard warnings, so ya know it is on the way!!! so we pretty much spent the day inside today...so there are some pics of the kids horsing around with the clothes baskets...I honestly don't think they need anything other than a laundry basket to play with...!!!! crazy kids...

Oh, Chris did get some work done in the boys' new room...the CEILING IS GONE!!! whoo hoo!!! there is a pic of that too...we are making progress! well, Chris is making progress, I don't think it would have been good for the baby if I would have helped and had to breath in that nasty ceiling dust...yuck:( good thing Chris had a mask on:) Thanks Honey!!!

Also note in the pics, Ashley is wearing an AWESOME Briar Cliff sweatshirt, in all of the pics, because that little stinker, once you put it on her, she WON'T let you take it off of her...talk about stubborn!!! but I guess she just loves her BCU Chargers!!! haha:) good thing we have two of them since they were Ayden and Elliott's!!! I can wash one and she can wear one, just another bonus to twins, huh:)

So other than that, NOTHING new:) Enjoy!!