Sunday, January 18, 2009

Playing at the mall

So, we have needed to get out of the house...if you know what I mean...with all of these cold temps, it has been a while since the kids have been able to just run off some I took the kids to the play area at the mall this morning to have some fun...

We had a GREAT time...they ran around, chasing each other and was soooo cute to watch...the mall really wasn't open yet, none of the stores anyway...but there were quite a few mall walkers around, so we took advantage and got the whole area to ourseleves for about an HOUR!!! it was nice, not to have to share with any other kids for a while, but it did start getting busy, so we opted to have a bathroom break and get some lunch in the Cafe Court:) Then we goofed around a little more, wandering around the mall, and then it was on to home for a nap...

It was a great morning...the kids had a blast and got off all that extra energy that has been building up for a while!!

Have a great week!!


Anonymous said...

Looks really fun! Bet they had a good time burning off that energy. Bring the snow clothes along on Sunday. Grandpa made a "big mountain" for sledding down. Should be fun if its not too cold! Give the monkeys hugs and kisses from G&G

Anonymous said...

That was your new look

Jodi Lansink said...

Gotta love the mall play area when it is cold out for sure!!!! Looks like fun! See you this weekend!

The Lange's said...

Looks like the kids had a blast! They are getting soo big since we last saw them, we will have to get together again sometime soon!

Grandma Jane said...

Like the new look of the site. The kids look like they've grown just since we saw them at Christmas. Ayden is looking good too. Glad he is doing better. Hope the weather cooperates so we can get the boys their birthday presents this weekend!

Love you all!
Grandma and Grandpa