Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Ayden & Elliott

Today was the big day....Ayden & Elliott turned 3!!! We can officially say we have survived having 2 two year olds in our house and now have to move on to the joys of 3 year olds!!!

The boys had a great birthday, with cake and singing, and of course LOTS of playing...they had tons of fun with their daycare friends and LOVED to tell people that it was their birthday!!!

Tonight for supper, Daddy and Mommy took them out for supper, of course Ashley got to tag along too!!! We went to Applebee's and had a yummy supper, followed by some yummy Oreo Sundaes for dessert...they don't sing to people anymore there...they just give the little kids a free dessert on their birthdays:) so we enjoyed that and then headed home, where we got to talk to Grandma's and Grandpa's about the big birthday!!!

It was a great 3rd birthday for the two of them:) we are soooo lucky to have these two little boys in our lives, they surprise us and give us joy every day...We love them VERY MUCH!!!!

Happy Birthday Ayden George & Elliott Douglas!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthdays, Birthdays & More Birthdays!!!

Well, it is that time of year, time to celebrate some birthdays....Today is my mom, Teresa's 50th birthday!!! Happy Birthday mom...we love you lots and hope you had a great day....

The weather wasn't the greatest this morning, we were supposed to head down and go out for dinner with everyone and then have cake and ice cream at mom & dad's to celebrate mom's birthday as well as the upcoming b-day for Ayden & Elliott...but because of the snow, we opted to stay home this morning, but after the kids took a nap the roads had been cleared, so we went down and had a birthday afternoon with them...The kids had soooo much fun. The boys got to open some presents, so they were way excited to get new movies, a magna doodle, cute clothes...especially cool new John Deere sweatshirts!!! and savings bonds...Thanks to Adam, Jodi, Ellie & Malia, Aaron and Grandpa and Grandma for all the GREAT stuff....the boys love it!!! and we are happy that we got to spend some time with Grandma on her big day!!! Hope it was wonderful....

That was not the only celebration the boys got this weekend...Grandma Jane and Grandpa George made a trip over here to get the boys their birthday presents too!! they came on Friday and had to cut the trip short due to the impending snow...so they headed home on Saturday afternoon...the boys got a new baler and a new spreader to put behind their "big" tractors that they got at Christmas....and also some neat farm animals...They LOVE the new toys and can't get enough of them!!! We also got to have a great lunch out on Saturday at the Texas Roadhouse....soooo yummy!!! Thanks so much for coming, even if it was a short trip, and for everything!!!:)

Now the big day is on Tuesday...Not too much planned for the actual day...The boys want cupcakes, so I think I will make them on Monday night, so that they and all the daycare kids can celebrate on Tuesday at snack time!!! It should be a great day...can't believe they are going to be 3!!! where has all the time gone...amazing:)

Thank you & we love you all!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Playing at the mall

So, we have needed to get out of the house...if you know what I mean...with all of these cold temps, it has been a while since the kids have been able to just run off some energy...so I took the kids to the play area at the mall this morning to have some fun...

We had a GREAT time...they ran around, chasing each other and laughing...it was soooo cute to watch...the mall really wasn't open yet, none of the stores anyway...but there were quite a few mall walkers around, so we took advantage and got the whole area to ourseleves for about an HOUR!!! it was nice, not to have to share with any other kids for a while, but it did start getting busy, so we opted to have a bathroom break and get some lunch in the Cafe Court:) Then we goofed around a little more, wandering around the mall, and then it was on to home for a nap...

It was a great morning...the kids had a blast and got off all that extra energy that has been building up for a while!!

Have a great week!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Malia's Birthday

Last Sunday was our neice Malia's 2nd birthday...we went down to IG for a fun birthday party....it was delicous chilli, cinnamon rolls, cake and ice cream!!! what more could you ask for:) The kids had a GREAT time playing with their cousins...it was a good afternoon:)

Other than that, we haven't really been doing much...trying to stay warm, that is for sure!!! it has been too cold to go outside, so we have cuddled up and watched movies on our new TV:) the boys of course go between Ice Age & Cars....as I type we had to put Lightning McQueen in (AGAIN)....it is amazing to me how many times kids can watch something and not get bored with it...but it is a cute movie, so I don't mind...TOO much:)

In other news...I believe Ayden has recovered fully from his surgery!!! he is much much better, and is eating like a HORSE!!! he is too funny....the other night, we ate supper, he ate everything on his plate, and then we were watching a movie, when he came up to me and said, Mommy, I'm Hungry!!!! well...I said, how about I go and get and orange and peel it....yeah he decided that would be good, but then out of nowhere came..." I want a cheeseburger too!!!" WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! little stinker!! we opted to just have the orange, but made cheeseburgers the next night for supper!!! so as you can tell, he is back to his old self, and maybe even a little bit more of a pig to help make up for those days when he ate basically slim to none!

The other two peanuts are just that...peanuts!!! Ashley is talking more and more everyday and always has to put her two cents in....the other day she ran around the whole day yelling "look at me, mommy" and then she would do something silly....and Elliott, well is just too smart for his own good!!! his new favorite phrases are "Ca-Chow" and "later mater"...guess where he got these!!:)

so other than that...not much to report, just trying to survive the winter and can't wait until SPRING and warm weather so we can GO OUTSIDE AGAIN!!!!

Everyone enjoy the rest of their weekend:)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well-- Finally, we bit the bullet:) so to speak anyway...We got a new TV...Chris has been wanting one for a while, and today we decided it was time to go and get what he wanted...

So off we went to Pflanz here in Sioux City, and found a 52" LCD Mitsubshi... it is AWESEOME:) the picture is sooooo good, it is really amazing...it is especially wonderful with our fabulous new Blu-Ray DVD player that we got for a Christmas gift...the picture it projects is so clear it is hard to believe it is only a movie!!!

Then of course, we don't know if we want to mount the TV on our wall yet upstairs, so we opted to find a new TV stand to put it on, so we have the TV in our basement on its new stand while we try and decide if we want to mount it or what we really want to do with our upstairs living area:)

So needless to say it has been an eventful day around here...and tomorrow will be even more:) Little miss Malia is turning 2 tomorrow so we are venturing down to IG for her birthday party:) We can't wait to help her celebrate!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hey:) Sorry it has been soooo long since I have updated...we have been sick around here, not a fun way to start of 2009, but we are hanging in there and we hope that we are on the tail end of this cold and yucky stuff!!!

Last night, Chris surprised the boys and me with tickets to go and see Elmo Live at the Tyson Events Center:) Chris stayed home with his little girl to keep her company and I got to have an evening out with my boys:) It was soooooo much fun & the boys LOVED it:) They love Sesame Street, so of course, they were excited to see all the characters that they love....some of the highlights were of course Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Oscar the Grouch, Grover & Cookie Monster....of course all the gang was there, but those were the ones that the boys kept talking about!!! The show was really cute and they sang songs and danced....Elliott told me he wanted to go up on the stage and dance!!! I told him that was just for the characters, too cute:) and Ayden knows the Sesame Street theme song really well, so he was really jamming out when they all sang that!!!

We had a great night, and it sounds like Chris & Ashley did too....some daddy/daughter bonding time:)

Here are some pics of the evening...we enjoyed a big popcorn & a Sprite along with our show...the boys enjoyed that too!!! What fun:)