Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Our Weekend

Hello:) Thought I would update you all with some new pictures...On Saturday we went to see Chris' sister Kelly & her husband Wes who live in Des Moines...Grandpa & Grandma were at their house too..We had lots of fun playing all day and had a nice quiet ride home because they were all sleeping!!!!! I didn't get any pics because it was last minute decision to go and I forgot my camera!!!!! I'll remember next time:)

On Sunday, Chris went golfing in the afternoon, so the kids and I goofed around the house after naps and played...we got out our new Bubble guns that Grandma Teresa got us and blew bubbles until Dad got home!!! it was lots of fun:) Ashley loved chasing the bubbles and the boys happily made a lot for her to chase!!! Then it was baths and bedtime for everyone!!!!

Last night, Chris had to head to Cedar Rapids to stay with his sister & her family so he could have a checkup today on his eyes....he says he is seeing better so that is great news...we are hoping for a clean bill of health:) he will be home this evening...so the kids and I decided to take a wagon ride to Mc Donald's to get some ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!! the boys & Ashley all love it, as do I, so it was a great treat....plus I didn't feel guilty about eating it because I wakled it all off by the time I got home...at least that is what I am telling myself~:)

so here are some bubble pics and some ice cream pics for your enjoyment:)


Anonymous said...

Glad they are loving the bubble guns. I knew they would!!! The ice cream looks fun too. Hope Chris turns out good. Will take to you soon from CHICAGO! xxo G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

Hope everything with Chris turns out good......and you are gutsy taking 3 little ones to McDonald's by yourself!!!! Looks like they had a fun time!!