Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy 9 months Ashley Jo!

Wow, how the time has flown, our little Jo-Jo is 9 months old!! Where does the time go???? We have a doctor appt. tomorrow, so I will update her stats tomorrow and let you know how big our little pumpkin is!!! Look at her go....before we know it she will let go of the toys and walk on her own...hmmm...wonder if watching her big brothers has anything to do with that?!?!?!


Grandma Jane said...

Ashley Jo, you are getting so big!! Can't wait to see you and your brothers again. We are glad to have our computer again so we can keep up better with the pics and happenings at your house!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looking cute as always!!!! The next milestone will be 1!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Still cute as a button!!! XX00 G&G