Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big Boys!

Well, I thought I would try something new this weekend, since we are just hanging out here at home, so we bought some new BIG BOY Underwear:) so far so good...they are going potty in the underwear, but they like wearing them, and they understand a little bit more about when they are getting wet and needing to go on the potty...but they are too cute in their little Thomas the Train and Elmo underwear, so I took some pics to share with you!!!


Anonymous said...

That is always a big deal when they get to wear "big boy pants". How cute! Give them all hugs and kisses. G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

Good Luck!!!! Oh the fun potty training times....they will do great!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank u :) check out this emo boy hair on this blog: