Today it was beautiful out...a little on the windy side, but beautiful none the less!!! so we went outside for a little bit this afternoon...:) it was lots of fun, the kids really had a blast, but it was a wee bit windy, so we only stayed out about a half an hour!!!
In other news...Ashley has 2 teeth now:) and has been trying out quite a few different menu items, all of which she loves!!! Ayden is just well SILLY!!! the other night I was asking him what his brother's name is and he kept just saying Name...I asked him what his sister's name is and he said Ashley:) then when asked what his name is, well... "ME"!!!! of course!!!! Also he likes "peanut jelly" least that is his response in the morning when I ask him if he would like peanut butter or jelly on his toast, silly me, why didn't I think about combining the two, I mean you can't just pick one!!! And Elliott...well, ya never know what will come out of his mouth!!! he is fascinated with the buses that go by our house A LOT!!! and he also has an interest in the "snowman" aka the mail man...I have no idea how he gets snowman from mail man, but what can ya do...
well, not much else happening around here!!! I will update again soon!!!