Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet Corn

I had some helpers this week cleaning some sweet corn, and of COURSE eating the sweet corn! YUMMY:) "Grandpa Doug can sure grow some good corn" the kids say!! :) LOVE IT!!

(Evan didn't quite understand the cleaning aspect, but he sure has the "cheese" part of pictures down!! LOL)


Grandpa and Grandma said...

Way too cute!!!! Glad you all enjoyed the corn....XXOO

Lisa said...

We've enjoyed sweet corn this year too, but we excited to try our first batch from Doug. Glad to hear it's so yummy!

Grandma Jane said...

What good helpers! Evan may not have figured out the cleaning part but sure looks like he knew how to do the eating part!!! Smart boy!! Nothing better than fresh sweet corn!

Love you!
Grandma Jane

Jodi Lansink said...

I agree! Grandpa did a great job growing the sweet corn....it's YUMMY!!!!

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