Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Evan is now offically in a big boy bed! He has been climbing out of his crib for a couple months now, so we decided for safety sake we had better get him his own bed! So here he is in his new bed! We got the trundle bed that goes under Ashley's bed...it is low enough to the ground and it is a great space saver...plus eventually he will get his own bed and we can use the trundle for sleep overs! :)He is loving it and is so cute:) So no more cribs in the Schrunk house...5 and a half years of cribs in this house and now none...what a big change!!


Lisa said...

Yea! Way to go, Evan!

Grandpa and Grandma said...

Yeah Evan....welcome to the big boy club!!! XXOO G&G

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Grandma Jane said...

Looks like he is enjoying his new bed! He is getting so big!

Love you!

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