Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Today was the Ayden, Elliott & Ashley's preschool graduation and program! The boys got to wear graduation caps to celebrate their day, and Ashley is just as excited to be "graduating" to the Butterfly class!! I can't even believe that Ayden & Elliott will be heading to kindergarten in the fall! This time has just flown by...they are so excited, I am just hoping for a summer of fun before they have to head off to the "big school"!! WOW...we couldn't be any more proud of them!! They are simply amazing and are going to do such wonderful and exciting things, I just can't wait to see everything they can do and accomplish!

Congratulations:) WE LOVE YOU!!


Grandpa and Grandma said...

What a great day!!! Good job Ayden, Elliott and Ashley!! We had a lot of fun! You will be "awesome" at "big school". XXOO G&G

Lisa said...

Wow...time really does fly! They are growing up so fast!

Jodi Lansink said...

Congrats!! They all look so cute and frown up!! Kindergarten already?!?! They will do great!!